“It is said that when visiting Edinburgh it is good luck to rub the nose of Greyfriars Bobbie’s statue, and yet nothing could actually be further from the truth. This utter nonsense is just a silly story made up by a tour guide.. Not one of ours, and be sure his bones will never be found!
Aside from the £5,000 fine for defacing a national monument.. Nose rubbers also face the terrible “Curse O’ The Bobbie’s Nose!”
It is whispered by those who whisper such things that within a few nights of rubbing the statue’s nose.. Those guilty of the wicked act will be awoken in the dead of night to find the ghostly apparition of Bobbie’s master John Gray hovering over their bed pointing a long bony finger before screaming in their faces with a hideous wail “Leave My Wee Bobbie Alone!”
The miscreants quite naturally jump out of bed in terror and distress and it is then that a set of ghostly canine teeth sink themselves into the arse of the nasty nose rubber.
And those teeth..
May Never..
..Let Go!
So my spooky darlings.. When you get hame please share this terrible truth with anyone who you learn may be intending to visit Auld Reekie. You will be saving them from a truly terrible fate and might also help save this popular wee statue from being wrecked and ruined!’ – A. Deadman
”As told on my tours – Doing my part to help save Greyfriars Bobby’s statue from being destroyed by tourists” – A. Deadman