Artemus Deadman is a new Dreadpunk/Steam-Noir persona originally created for the role as ghost walker/tour guide I began in early 2022. The character has since taken on a life of its own and has developed into my major Steampunk related interest. Artemus Deadman has also re-inspired my passion in promoting Scotland as a “Steampunk Hameland!” – The persona also enables me to include Scottish mythology, legend and traditional storytelling and make use of elements and resources already in place.

This new adventure has only just begun and yet I have had more fun and made more progress in bringing my ambitions and aims to fruition than in the decade that went before. New storytelling projects are being devised and can be supported via the Deadman Donation link included on the menu bar.

A. Deadman – Ghost Walker
Visit Me On Facebook For Tour Dates & Times